This site is designed to be a free exchange of information about Paleo dieting, and how this can help with general health, to beat inflammatory disorders and promote a fresher diet. I have seen the change it can effect.

What I had never really considered before undertaking this is the impact the food I was eating was having on my health and well being. I mean here the influence my diet was having on my ‘deep’ health, and the myriad of connections it can have with underlying conditions.

I’ve suffered from Arthritis since I was 9 years old, and Hidradenitis for the last 2. These are two debilitating illnesses with no concrete cure and no absolute reason as to why they strike. After seeing an endless list of specialists and trying any number of powerful drugs which gave me a whole list of unpleasant side-effects, I decided to try and influence this with the fuel I was putting into my body.

I therefore decided to read Dr. Loren Cordains work on the Paleo diet. in a nutshell, the Paleo diet’s modus operandi is to advocate a way of eating which recalls our natural diet when we lived a pre-sedentary life.

Evolution is a slow process, and the human body has not completely kept pace with the development of human civilisation. Neolithic agrarian society now dominates the globe, but we are the only mammals to eat cultivated grains in any large quantities and dairy products after infancy. The western physiology has developed enough to allow us to digest these products in smallish doses but our carb and processed food heavy diets are not the best fuel to run a body on at optimal efficiency, particularly when that body is still developing based on a model 200,00 to 100,000 years old.

When a body is already struggling to run itself, with immune related problems such as rheumatism and hidradenitis, then to me it makes sense to eliminate anything that may reduce the body’s best functioning. This can repair what Cordain calls a ‘leaky gut’. While that sounds suitably gross, he blames our ‘leaky gut’ as the number one reasons for many immune-related conditions.

I do not intend this to be a comprehensive guide to either Paleo eating, the effects it has had on my heath or the science behind these changes by any means. What I can promise is to document the effects it has had on my health and conditions, and share any recipes I encounter or develop along the way.


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